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Finally got around to reading some more Supreme Court FCC shit: ABC is fighting back against the Commission’s fine for airing an episode of “NYPD Blue” that began with a woman undressing to take a shower, showing her “buttocks” to the screen.

The details are (over-)analyzed in the briefs, along with a good history of other precedent-setting indecency cases. There are a few choice quotes I gleaned from the briefs, though.

ABC’s opening brief:

But buttocks are not a sexual or excretory organ, or indeed an organ at all.

The FCC’s response:

This is nonsense.


Another great touch: The “anti-virus certification” appended to the PDFs.

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I still remember with what glee I got away with sneaking sentences beginning with "But" into my high school English papers, in spite of my teachers' admonitions. But, man, to begin a sentence with "But buttocks," and to file a brief containing that sentence with the Supreme Court, well, that might be the coupiest coup of all time.