♻ AdAge

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Our company receives hard copies of Advertising Age—I’ve seen them lying around the office. The dead tree versions were fun to flip through, but I hadn’t really read it until today, when some co-worker left a copy …in the bathroom.

Holy crap: this weekly is tremendously informative and entertaining (and I’m not saying this with the bias of somebody working at an advertising company—much of it is not really applicable to us). AdAge provides insight on news from a different perspective, of course, with large emphasis on branding and advertising.

Let’s take a look at some of the articles from the past couple issues of AdAge, so I can convince you that this trade magazine is genuinely interesting:

Google Reader just got a little bit bigger.

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1 Comment

I thought I remembered them naming Obama advertiser of the year: http://adage.com/moy2008/article?article_id=131810