♻ MSTies

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The Onion’s A.V. Club just put up a great piece about Mystery Science Theater 3000 that attempts to explain the show’s appeal and why its fans are so diehard:

Mystery Science Theater had such a small circle of followers even at its peak that those who became one of them felt a responsibility to the show: to preserve it, to preach it. If you were a true fan, you didn’t just watch MST3K back in the ’90s, you taped it. And you didn’t set your VCR, you watched it while you were taping it, with your finger poised over the remote’s pause button so you could zap the commercials.

Indeed, I have very fond memories watching friends’ tapes, recording my own, and biking the tapes over to another friend’s to watch—so much damn fun.

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This reminded me of something awesomely ahead of its time. In 1996, there was an episode aired of MST3k: The Home Game, wherein watchers could go on IRC and comment in real time on the movie, and comments would show up on the bottom of the screen live. Not only was it hilarious, it also blew my 11-year old mind. More info on MST3k's history: http://www.mst3kinfo.com/history/page16.html
I remember that, too! If only I were cool (read: nerdy) enough back then to know how to participate (read: position my TV next to my computer).