♻ Black, White, and Rea?d

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It really annoys me when people rag on newspapers for the medium they print on; the journalism is the crucial part. Too many blogs simply link back to newspaper articles (doing no actual investigation or reporting), providing no original content or analysis. It’s disgusting.

This is why I was angry when “The Daily Show” decided to rip into The New York Times. However, I was quite happy when the NYT responded with a great (content-rich) blog post that rips into the show’s “critique.” Check out both the TV and paper pieces over on the NYT.

Perhaps more infuriating is the existence of this tag. No, Valleywag, your blog is just a shitty newspaper.

P.S.: Yes, I realize that I just wrote a blog post that links back to The New York Times. That’s why this post is clearly labeled with a “♻.”

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